Still Life

We have sat quietly in front of our computer screens in California, Washington, New Mexico, Mexico, India, Canada, and elsewhere – through pandemic, divorce, social unrest, insurrection, the death of loved ones, catastrophic wildfire…. Inside of all the turbulence, there has been still life.

Dear Eavan Boland

I pitched something to Lit Hub and they took it. A dream. But bittersweet.  Because it’s for Eavan Boland. It’s about motherhood, and middle age, and passion and confusion and regret.  So it’s also for all mothers who have art stirring, and waiting, inside them. Go be you. I know it feels hard. But do…

Have I mentioned Uncertainty Club?

“It is distressing, baffling, confusing, but the fact must be faced; there is no certainty in heaven above or on earth below.” – Virginia Woolf, Three Guineas (1938)   Virginia Woolf was right. Of course. But it’s what we say in Zen, too. And at Pacific Zen Institute, we have started an online magazine of Zen and…